The Museum of Bad Art: Celebrating 'Art Too Bad to Be Ignored'

The Museum of Bad Art: Celebrating ‘Art Too Bad to Be Ignored’

The Museum of Bad Art is really a thing, and it’s actually been around for thirty years. This unusual museum could make you laugh when you visit.

If you’ve ever wanted to see art that is too bad to be ignored, you’ll want to head to Boston and visit the Dorchester Brewing Company. This is the location of the Museum of Bad Art, and it means you can get a drink or two while enjoying some of the strangest, ugliest, and worst pieces of art ever put on display to the public.

Here are some of what you might find at this oddity of a museum.

Swamp Picnic

It seems like an unimaginable scene, but an artist took the time to create a piece that shows people on the banks of a swamp covered in green body suits but ready for a picnic together. The two seem pretty happy about their choice despite the possibilities of large gators lurking nearby. The painting itself certainly took skill and imagination to create, but it’s odd and ugly, making it one of the top choices at this unusual museum.

Still Lie with Juicer

Some people will paint stills of baskets of fruit, flowers, or other pretty images. This still is of a juicer that seems to be demented and ready to shoot you with oranges if you don’t do its bidding. If you like to make your own healthy juice first thing in the morning, you might find this image to be extremely disturbing, but its only one of many strange and unusual creations that you’ll find at the Museum of Bad Art.

Nice Bluish Man

The color blue is often associated with depression, and despite his colorful attire, this man certainly appears to be depressed. In fact, this man also looks completely empty with lifeless and unfilled eyes. His entire countenance is sagging and down, signifying how depressed and beaten-down his life has become. There’s a complete absence of any life in this man, which might reflect how many of us have felt at times. It’s entirely possible this particular painting hits too close to home for some viewers.

Blue Tango

Some artists have experienced what they call their “blue” periods during their time. This typically signifies a time in their lives when blue was the major theme in most of their artwork. Blue Tango might be taking things a little too far. It shows two poodles standing on their hind legs dancing together. The looks on their faces aren’t of happiness or pleasure but exhaustion and possible thirst. This painting could speak to some viewers who feel that no matter how tired they get, they still have to dance the dance and keep going.

No Place Like Home

The artwork in this piece that you can see at the Museum of Bad Art is terrible. The anatomy of the people is awful, the facial renderings are inconsistent, and there’s a foot flying in from the right that belongs to someone out of the scene. This doesn’t look like anything that most people would describe as their home and it certainly doesn’t give of the cozy feeling that we might associate with the title. That said, it could be exactly what some people experience in their homes.

Haunting Dog

The artwork of this particular piece appears to be done by someone in elementary school, but the bad artwork aside, its extremely creepy. The dog seems to look at you through eyes that belong to a cat but are on a dog. The fact is emotionless and disturbing. This is a painting that could give you nightmares of you hang it in your home. If you were to buy such a piece, it could be the ideal gift for someone you really don’t like.

Un Poisson Mort

Another piece that will make you remember that you’re at the Museum of Bad Art is Un Poisson Mort. This is a simple painting of a fish dying. The fish appears to be upside down and without water to sustain. The fish could have been dead for a long time; in fact, it seems that rigor mortis has set in, and the fish just lays there stiffly with open eyes and a gaping mouth that was hoping for some oxygenated water to survive before taking its last breath of life.

If you want to see some truly strange and bad art, head to the Museum of Bad Art. Some of the art is bad enough to drive you to drink. It’s a good thing this museum is also a brewery.

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